Giftabulator® and Major Gifts

Giftabulator® and similar tools can significantly help secure major gifts in several ways:

  1. Educate donors: Giftabulator® is an interactive, secure online application that educates donors about tax-efficient giving strategies.
  2. This knowledge empowers donors to make larger gifts than they might have initially considered.
  3. Illustrate benefits: The tool demonstrates the benefits of donating appreciated assets like stocks or mutual funds, showing donors how they can avoid capital gains taxes and claim tax credits for the full market value of their gifts.
  4. Optimize donation processes: Giftabulator® can be integrated into a charity’s website to guide donors through formulating gifts tailored to their unique financial situations.
  5. Increase major and planned giving opportunities: By illustrating the potential of asset-based donations, these tools can help convert annual donors into major and planned giving prospects more quickly.
  6. Facilitate meaningful discussions: Giftabulator® enables nonprofits and financial advisors to have meaningful conversations with donors about complex topics like estate planning.
  7. Provide instant illustrations: The tool generates outcomes within seconds, showing the benefits of charitable donations based on various scenarios, income tax brackets, and types of appreciated assets.
  8. Democratize charitable giving: By making complex giving strategies more accessible and understandable, tools like Giftabulator aim to provide everyone with access to smarter ways of making better donation decisions.

By leveraging these capabilities, charities can more effectively engage potential major donors, illustrate the impact of their gifts, and ultimately secure larger donations while providing donors with valuable tax benefits.