The Imagineering of Disneyland has transformed the landscape for families across generations. Who hasn’t experienced the magic of Disney or been touched by its amazing storytelling? This was always Walt Disney’s dream. Today Disney is a global brand recognized and loved by children and adults alike. When asked by football players after winning the Super Bowl where they want to go, it has become a familiar reply – Disneyland.
Well, Anaheim, California is not only home of the world’s greatest place for family memories, Disneyland, but also home of the world champs in baseball. For decades the Angels of Anaheim were founder and owner Gene Autry’s true passion, long after he rode into the sunset with his horse Trigger. In Autry’s mind, his crowning moment would be winning a World Series championship. Autry never gave up on his team, even when faced with multiple losing seasons. It was in 2002, after Autry had passed to become an angel in his own right, that the Anaheim Angels brought magic to the “Heart of Orange County” by winning the big one for their founder. Autry’s dream of winning the World Series was never realized in his lifetime; however, without his vision and passion for the game, the Anaheim Angels would not have achieved that glorious victory 12 years ago.
The same is true in philanthropy. Giving and making a difference is about making magic happen. In some cases we can see it unfold before our eyes through a major gift and in other cases it’s a waiting process before a planned gift is realized. We’ll have to wait to see magic take place in Anaheim again with the imminent launch of Giftabulator USA.
We look forward to showing you how magic can be created with your donors through Giftabulator USA. Please join us for the launch of Giftabulator USA at the 2014 National Conference on Philanthropic Planning on October 14-16, 2014 in Anaheim to see how transformative funds can be created for your organization.
William Petruck